
Logan Richards


My name is Logan Louis Richards Owner of Logan Louis Collection. I am a fashion designer but I also have found a love for all things technology. Even though I have spent alot of time on techonolgy I only got two certification which was illistrator and key applications. I am a honrol student tat values getting good grades even thiugh im not always on time to class. Mr.Miranda is my teacher and honetly might be one of my best tech teachers becaweu hes good a teaching. My favorite programs to use are powerpoint and illistrator. When I gradutate I plan to put fashion and technology together in ways iyt has never been done before.

Get in contact with me


Phone : 727-793-7691

Address : St.Petersbug Florida

About Me



Fashion is something I really enjoy and being able to combine it with technology is even cooler.



Technology has slowly but surley became a big part of my life especially since im in the tech program in highschool. A big part of fashion is adevrtising and by knowing how to use theses different programs I am more than cpaablle of lauching many different projects from the comfrot of my computer. Also a part of fashion is textile making which is something I really like to do I enjoy creating different patter and you can make alot of different pattens on theses different programs.